Who can benefit from thermal imaging?
Anyone who is interested in proactively taking charge of their health will benefit from thermal imaging. Shifting from a disease diagnostic approach to health discovery is a progressive approach for people who value the process of monitoring their health and making lifestyle changes with the guidance of their healthcare practitioners to achieve big results for their health and longevity.
Why should I have a Full Body Study or a Health Study thermogram?
The most effective use of thermography is to monitor dynamic changes in general health. We recommend selecting a thermal study which includes multiple areas of your body for your first exam. These offer you the greatest benefit of your imaging. If you choose only a Breast or Chest/Breast Study for your initial thermal exam, it will provide limited information regarding your general health.
What is a baseline study?
A baseline study is your initial imaging. These images are referenced by our interpreting physicians at the time of your follow up study to identify any thermographic changes. When they are interpreting the images, they are looking for signs of thermographic stablity. When they see this stability, they will recommend that you come back for imaging in one year for an annual follow-up. If they do not see stability they may recommend further clinical correlation and another follow-up in 3-6 months.
What are interpreting physicians looking for?
Thermography detects inflammation and blood perfusion, the interpreting physicians are looking for signs of lymphatic congestion, dilated ducts, injury, generalized inflammation, hormone imbalance as well as specific patterns. When they evaluate these areas, they will assess their significance and comment as to whether they see a low, moderate, or high level. They will also recommend a follow-up appointment for further evaluation or to establish a thermal baseline if necessary.
Does thermography see cancer?
Thermography cannot see cancer. Imaging the breast is not intended to detect cancer, as it does not suggest, confirm or rule out the possibility that cancer exists in the breast or any other area of the body. If our interpreting physicians see something that they would consider “thermographically significant” it is not necessarily for a specific disease.
Does thermography replace mammography?
NO. A procedure that looks at the health of the breasts does not replace a procedure that is looking for cancer. Mammography is a cancer-screening procedure that uses radiation. It is strictly looking for signs that cancer may be present. Thermography is not a standalone procedure. It is a thermographic temperature differential study of the breasts and is looking for signs to confirm breast health or that your breasts may be generally unhealthy. Our interpreting physicians are not looking for cancer or any other disease. Only a biopsy can diagnose cancer.
Is thermography considered “early detection”?
NO. Thermography does not detect cancer so the word “detection” is not a part of a professional Thermographer’s vocabulary. The thermographer takes the images, and the interpreting physician interprets them. Our interpreting physicians will give you a breast health assessment and make recommendations that you and your doctor can consider in order to promote healthy breasts.
Can you prevent breast cancer with thermography?
NO. We do not promote the prevention of any disease. We believe that all women deserve to have the knowledge of how to keep their breasts healthy. We teach that diet, exercise, supplementation, lymphatic dry brushing, hormone balancing as well as lifestyle choices and changes are useful ways to support breast health.
“I am a cancer survivor and don’t want any more radiation. Can thermography help me monitor my breasts?”
Thermography can help you monitor the health of your breasts. Because we do not see cancer, our interpreting physicians do not monitor it.
Do you accept insurance?
We do not bill insurance. You are responsible for payment at the time of your imaging. We have
seen insurance pay for Thermography but VERY rarely. The “Medi Share” type of health coverage
often pays for Thermography (check with your individual plan).
Are you HIPAA Compliant?
We follow all the rules for HIPAA compliance. However, we are not yet required to do so by law.
Many Thermographers are NOT prepared for the time when all Thermographers may be required to
follow rules for HIPAA compliance. We are prepared and are already following these rules.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover and American Express as well as cash and checks (including HSA and Flex plan payments). Payment
is expected at the time of service.
When will I receive my report?
Reports will be sent to you or your doctor via a HIPAA-compliant email service within two weeks. In
the busier months of October and November, this may extend as far out as three weeks. If you have
a serious concern, we can provide a STAT interpretation for an additional $50 which means your
report will be sent to you within 48 hours.